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Abstract                 Volume:7  Issue-2  Year-2020          Original Research Articles

IJCRBP is now DOI (CrossRef) registered Research Journal. The DOIs are assigned to all published IJCRBP Articles.

Online ISSN : 2349-8080
Issues : 12 per year
Publisher : Excellent Publishers
Email : editorinchiefijcrbp@gmail.com

Studies on the forced adaptation of cells of testicles and kidneys of lambs and goats to continuous growth in vitro
L. B. Kutumbetov and B. Sh. Myrzakhmetova*
Ministry of Education and Science of the, Science Committee, «Research Institute for Biological Safety Problems. Gvardeiskiy village, Kordai district, Republic of Kazakhstan
*Corresponding author

In studies on the production of a continuously transplanted cell culture, a substrate producer of lumpy skin disease virus, primary cultures of cells from the tissues of the kidneys and testicles of lambs and goats were used. To adapt to the continuous growth in vitro, cell cultures were subjected to repeated passages by reseeding and culturing at a temperature of 37°C. The results of passivation and assessment of cell populations during cultivation showed that testicular cells have fibroblast-like morphology, a relatively large adhesive and proliferative activity. After 14 and 16 passages in the testicular cells of lambs and goats, proliferative activity decreased markedly. After further forced passages and cloning, two clonal populations of lambs testicle cells were obtained, which were distinguished by increased proliferative activity. Further passivation and adaptation to in vitro propagation can provide the desired transplanted cell line.

Keywords: Adaptation,Primary cell culture,Proliferation,Reseeding,Transplanted cells,Trypsinization
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How to cite this article:

Kutumbetov, L. B., Myrzakhmetova, B. Sh., 2020. Studies on the forced adaptation of cells of testicles and kidneys of lambs and goats to continuous growth in vitro.Int.J.Curr.Res.Biosci.Plantbiol. 7(2): 22-29. doi: https://doi.org/10.20546/ijcrbp.2020.702.004
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