
Abstract                 Volume:5  Issue-6  Year-2018          Original Research Articles

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Online ISSN : 2349-8080
Issues : 12 per year
Publisher : Excellent Publishers
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Yield Comparison of Soil and Soilless Grown Strawberry
Abdulameer I. Narriman*, $ and Bahram Kh. Mohammed
College of Agriculture, University of Kirkuk, Kirkuk, Iraq
*Corresponding author

This study was carried out at a period from 15/11/2015 till 2/5/2016 in a polycarbonate house belongs to Department of Horticulture and Landscape design/College of Agriculture University of Kirkuk. To compare strawberry cultivating in soil and soilless. Strawberry plugs were purchased from the local market so the cultivar couldn’t be assured therefore it supposed as a local variety or cultivar. Two (A) shaped angle iron frame (2m length of the legs hinged from the top) were used as pipe holders each holds twelve PVC pipes L 3M* Ï• 4'' Six each side. Growing holes of 2'' diameter 20 cm center to center was drilled along 12 of them and the same but 25 cm center to center was drilled along the other 12 pipes. Five of each 6 were used for statistical analyses and the rest two near the ground just for filling the room. They all were settled on the holder' arms with an inclination of 1:100 each pipe had a drilled hole beneath the lowest point for drainage with two end caps. Six of each distance were filled with rice husk and the rest 6 filled with sheep wool as soilless cheep locally available substrates after sterilizing them by soaking in a 1:100 bleach in water solution for an hour then dried. Other twenty PVC pipes L 2m* Ï• 4'' were surrounded with 4* 2'' holes, 10 with 20 cm spacing and 10 with 25 cm. Five of each 10 were filled with rice husk and the rest were filled with sheep wool. In the other hand black poly ethylene bags were filled with agricultural soil. By finishing these works strawberry plugs were planted in the horizontal and vertical as well as in soil. All flowers and runners were cut of till 15/2/ 2015. Then data was obtained weekly for analysis. The experiment was designed and data analyzed according to RCBD for differences between the different hydroponic systems and using Duncan test at the level of 5% to compare means. Then using CRD, means were compared between in soil and soilless data. Also Duncan test was used at the level of 5% for comparisons. Results showed that strawberry grown soilless, both vertical and horizontal gave higher productivity than those grown traditional (in soil) and vertical 20 cm gave the highest weekly yield as: 792.43 g. m-2. While those grown in soil gave the lowest weekly yield as: 143.75 g. m-2.

Keywords: Agriculture soil Fragaria species Hydroponic systems Rice husk Sheep wool
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How to cite this article:

Narriman, A. I., Mohammed, B. Kh., 2018. Yield comparison of soil and soilless grown strawberry.Int.J.Curr.Res.Biosci.Plantbiol. 5(6): 52-57. doi: https://dx.doi.org/10.20546/ijcrbp.2018.506.005
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